Now that the introductory blog #1 is a thing of the past, it is time to get down to the work of informing while at the same time trying to be interesting. So while I try to figure out what this blog should be, I will let you know what it’s not.First, it’s not going to be political. I am told that my political beliefs are vastly different and certainly inferior to everyone else’s. So you won’t see any of my opinions whether they come from left field or from right field. Matters that are political such as emissions, efficiency standards, global warming and the like will be dealt with factually and only as they apply to our business and the effects they have on us. Furthermore, so that I don’t alienate readers, I intend to offer both sides of these issues if available.Second, I’m a golfer so I foreswear to lay off any metaphors about sports in general and golf in particular. For any blogger, this should be par for the course.Third, though I am happily employed at E-Tech, this blog will not be one constant advertising blurb. The idea here is to serve an audience of people interested in our field without forcing a steady diet of marketing mush. On the other hand, don’t expect links to my competitors either!Fourth, I realize that everyone has very little time these days because we are all busy with the work at hand. So don’t worry about seeing this blog updated with new information to the point of tedium. Right now, I’ll shoot for a frequency of semi-monthly or better. Finally, since I hope to entertain dialogue on issues so that all topics may be aired, discussed and answered, I will try to stay out of conversations unless they’re directed straight at me. I only ask that you follow generally along with rule one: let us avoid politics ruling our discussions. No yelling and screaming (or should I say, “NO YELLING AND SCREAMING”).And lest I forget the purpose of this blog being to inform, in our haste to emphasize fuel savings in terms of dollars, there is always an associated benefit for the environment when we burn less fuel. Here’s an example of that.Pollutants avoided by energy recovery
Pounds ofPer kwh of electricity Per MM/btus of Natural Gas Per MM/Btus of Coal Per MM/Btus of #6 oil (1% Sulfur)
CO2 1.48 115 200 170
SO2 0.016 0.0005 2.67 0.95
NOx 0.007 0.39 1.12 0.48
6 to 10 trees would have to be planted to offset each ton of CO2 saved.As I look for any way to escape from this miserable heat Oklahoma (and other areas of the Midwest are experiencing), I leave you with a bit of wisdom, something I hope to impart with each post I do.The purest treasure mortal times can afford is a spotless reputation. -William Shakespeare
Pounds of
Per kwh of electricity
Per MM/btus of
Natural Gas
Per MM/Btus of Coal
Per MM/Btus of #6 oil (1% Sulfur)